Friday, June 26, 2009

Gardening Project

I've been working on making a terraced garden in our backyard. It involves much more work than I anticipated, but it's been keeping me busy, and digging for hours and other forms of manual labor is a great workout. Much better than sitting around the house watching our 5 channels. Yes, we no longer have cable.

That is not the only reason I want to make a garden though. For some reason this year I've become very interested in growing things, learning about composting, and trying to understand the differences between organic gardening and permaculture. As I am still learning, this will be an incomplete entry, but I'm going to try and document the garden as it progresses. Let's hope the weather cooperates. The part that I am most excited for is of course choosing the plants to go in the garden and watching them grow.

We have rabbits, birds, and deer galore so trying to work out a peaceful compromise with all garden inhabitants should be another challenge and pleasure.

Friday, June 05, 2009

Postgraduation Musings

So now that I have graduated, I know the meaning of life, the secret of happiness, and my purpose on this earth... well, not exactly. But, I do believe and hope that I am headed in a God-centered direction.

Senior week and graduation were over in a blur, as expected. For anyone who missed the Senior Engineering prank, check it out because it was pretty epic and fun:
Click here to see the video

I had a countdown to graduation going for so long 126 days (but who's counting now?) that it feels a little strange NOT to be eagerly anticipating it. Cheryl and I had a long conversation yesterday, and we realized that it is going to be a challenge for us to live in the present. Not in a "live for the moment" kind of way, but in a way where we appreciate who we are with, what we are doing, and where we are just as it is without constantly expecting something better just around the corner.

I highly recommend reading the Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis for anyone and everyone. It is both cleverly written and offers insight into how good intentions can go awry if we're not careful and conscientious every step of the way.

Now I just have to remember to keep putting one foot in front of the other.