Sunday, February 15, 2009

Second Saturday Impromptu Poem

This weekend I went to Second Saturday at the Painted Bride in Philadelphia with several other Swatties. We decided that there should be full audience participation so we started passing around a paper asking everyone to contribute their own 6 word line in response to the line preceding theirs. Everyone added their own unique twist, some people didn't follow the 6 world rule, but hey some rules were meant to be broken. Here is the surprisingly poignant result (each line from a different author):

What can bring you joy today?
Chocolate donuts or chocolate cake yummy.
Hearing ocean tides when under stress.
Makes me relax and lets go.
Towards the streets I sing it.
Droppin' mad beats, I wing it.
Gotta recognize my words are ill shit
Hit list, devil dipped, flip this
If you give me one wish, I'll ask for more
But that doesn't mean I'm greedy.
Jaz, on the other hand, tends
its garden with an unrushed amble.
Soft steps, soft scents, soft speech.

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